Wednesday, March 10, 2010

*DING* idea!!

Okay, so I’ve been thinking of ideas for the SRP and I think I may have come to a decision as to what experiment I will do. These are the ideas I’ve thought up of:

1. How beer is made from when it starts as a plant (malted barley, flavouring such as hope and brewer’s yeast) and to observe how the alcohol in it is increased. My aunt has a special apparatus that measures the amount of alcohol in a beverage and I would be able to measure it with that.

2. Another idea was observing the conditions in which mushrooms can live in. For example, I would keep some under the sink, some in the pantry, some on the balcony and some in the garage. I could get the mushrooms from Bunning’s Warehouse. The variables needed to be controlled are the amount of mushrooms I would have in one place and the size I get.

3. Another idea was to measure the amount of time cabbage took to create certain bacteria that would spread on the cabbage and then how long it would take for the bacteria to die and so I would observe how the cabbage goes from sweet to sour. I would use around 5 cabbages to create an average on the time, of how long it takes to create the bacteria and for it to die. I would also have to control the place where I keep it and that the temperature of the place where I keep it remains as constant as possible.

4. My last and final idea was:

To demonstrate how different edible liquids react to the body and to show that drinks with additives, preservatives and conservatives are unhealthy for the liver (beef or chicken, human is hard to attain) and how it might make it rot quicker and the drink would digest slower. I would also observe any other effects it had on the liver.

Drinks I would use:

· Coca cola

· Orange juice

· Natural orange juice

· Water

· Mineral water

· Beer

Variables needed to be controlled:

· Temperature

· Size of liver

· Amount of liquid

Please leave comments giving advice and also if the one i've chosen is in fact the best. I think the others are either hard or too simple. Thanks, Lara.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I've been thinking of possible ideas for the experiment and i wanted something original but then again, it's hard to think of something like that. I've been thinking of maybe doing something including lots of people, for example, different reactions to something, but it would be hard to get at least 30 people to do something in a short amount of time. One idea i've had was to measure how quickly different amounts of sugar dissolve in different soft drinks, but that idea was crushed when i saw a poster of a similar idea in the library and so that means someone had already done it. So, i'm still thinking.