Thursday, June 17, 2010

done. forever.

okay so everything is done! All my photos are up and everything and this blog has finally come to an end. I don't think i'll ever look at a blog the same way. They will forever look boring and tiring to keep up with.
So for the last time i say,

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

5th week.

Box in the dark.

Box in the shade.

Box in the sun.

4th week.

Box in the dark.

Box in the shade.

Box in the sun.

3rd week.

Box in the dark.

Box in the shade.

Box in the sun.

2nd week.

Box in the dark.

Box in the shade.

Box in the sun

here come the photos.


Box in the dark

Box in the shade

Box in the sun

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

aaw yea.

Woo! So, when i went to check up on the mushrooms on the 13th of June, i was actually checking up on mushrooms!! So i found some and i've done some observations. They aren't the same size, one box has more than the others, soil seems grey now from the mould and drier. So i'm halfway through the stupid report and i think i might be able to finish it today! Yay! I just have to upload pictures of results tomorrow and do my graphs and all that stuff. Oh and referencing, better not forget that.

Until next time...
Thank god it's nearly over.