Sunday, May 16, 2010

third week.

So it's the third week and i've just gone to check up on the mushrooms. There still hasn't been any changes i can point out in any of the boxes of mushrooms. I did take pictures today though so i can show you what it looked like before they start to grow and i'll probably post them in a day or two as my mum has taken the camera and gone somewhere :S

Until next time...
Like a boss.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


sorry it's late Ms. Zhang but my dad took the computer away to get Windows 7 and he only just got back D: Sorry! But yeah, here's the method and materials!

• Mushroom Cultivation kit
• Garbage bags
• 3 equally sized cardboard boxes
• Water mister

1. Three boxes of equal size were obtained.
2. Three garbage bags of equal size were put into each of the garbage boxes so that the boxes were totally covered.
3. The mushroom compost from the mushroom cultivation kit was weighed and equally divided into each box.
4. The peat moss from the mushroom cultivation kit was weighed and equally divided into each box.
5. The boxes were all sprayed with the same water mister 5 times each, in all the corners and in the middle.
6. One box was put in a place with a constant shade.
7. One box was placed where the sun could reach it during daytime..
8. One box was placed in the garage, with another cardboard box over it to keep it totally dark.
9. Step 5 was repeated every day.
10. Results and observations were recorded.
11. A photograph was taken of each of the boxes.
12. Steps 9-11 were repeated for another 4 weeks.

Okay, well that was that:)
Until next time...
Mwahahaha, now there is no next time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So a week passed since i started my experiment, and on the 9th of May, i came back to observe the mushroom compost i had set up a week before and nothing seemed to have dramatically changed or grown. There was a slight change, where there seems to be less moss, but other than that, it looks the same.

Until the major blog is due...

P.S. I liked your Harry-Potter-Essay example in science today. We could use with one of those essays rather than one on Pride and Prejudice...ew.

just sayin.

Okay so i started my experiment on Sunday, May 2nd and i equally divided the mushroom compost and the peat moss into equal sized boxes just to keep the variables totally controlled and i put a garbage bag in the box so when i spray it won’t make the cardboard box soggy and wet. I put the compost and moss into 3 boxes and placed one in the garage with a box around and on top of it to keep it dark, i live in a unit so i put another one under the stairs and the last one under the barbeque on the balcony. I sprayed them with water 5 times (using the same sprayer) each because the instructions told me to spray it. So i was planning on leaving it for 35 days because the kit said that the mushrooms should be ready by then, depending on where i put it, we’ll see in what environment mushrooms would grow the quickest in. Ill be checking them every 7 days so ill see the progress 5 times and on the 35th day, ill probably just throw them away, or sell them to a grocery store.

Until the 9th of May...
the Half Blood Princess.