Wednesday, May 12, 2010

just sayin.

Okay so i started my experiment on Sunday, May 2nd and i equally divided the mushroom compost and the peat moss into equal sized boxes just to keep the variables totally controlled and i put a garbage bag in the box so when i spray it won’t make the cardboard box soggy and wet. I put the compost and moss into 3 boxes and placed one in the garage with a box around and on top of it to keep it dark, i live in a unit so i put another one under the stairs and the last one under the barbeque on the balcony. I sprayed them with water 5 times (using the same sprayer) each because the instructions told me to spray it. So i was planning on leaving it for 35 days because the kit said that the mushrooms should be ready by then, depending on where i put it, we’ll see in what environment mushrooms would grow the quickest in. Ill be checking them every 7 days so ill see the progress 5 times and on the 35th day, ill probably just throw them away, or sell them to a grocery store.

Until the 9th of May...
the Half Blood Princess.

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