Thursday, May 13, 2010


sorry it's late Ms. Zhang but my dad took the computer away to get Windows 7 and he only just got back D: Sorry! But yeah, here's the method and materials!

• Mushroom Cultivation kit
• Garbage bags
• 3 equally sized cardboard boxes
• Water mister

1. Three boxes of equal size were obtained.
2. Three garbage bags of equal size were put into each of the garbage boxes so that the boxes were totally covered.
3. The mushroom compost from the mushroom cultivation kit was weighed and equally divided into each box.
4. The peat moss from the mushroom cultivation kit was weighed and equally divided into each box.
5. The boxes were all sprayed with the same water mister 5 times each, in all the corners and in the middle.
6. One box was put in a place with a constant shade.
7. One box was placed where the sun could reach it during daytime..
8. One box was placed in the garage, with another cardboard box over it to keep it totally dark.
9. Step 5 was repeated every day.
10. Results and observations were recorded.
11. A photograph was taken of each of the boxes.
12. Steps 9-11 were repeated for another 4 weeks.

Okay, well that was that:)
Until next time...
Mwahahaha, now there is no next time.

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